Stand Back Course for Business Owners

Your business should work without you!

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Stand Back to grow your business!

Take your business to the next level with an exclusive online course for business owners.

The Stand Back course

The aim is for you to Stand Back from your business. The course contains over 30 videos that will change the way you perceive your business and the world around you. Next, you will receive step by step instructions of how to make your business work without you. As an example you will learn the importance of delivering speeches to your employees, book yourself holidays to create a non-negotiable deadline for Standing Back, re-arrange your office, implement procedures, learn about finances in business, learn the principles of successful entrepreneurs, etc. Standing Back will require a lot of effort on your behalf, but it is well worth it and this course will assist you. At the end of the day, being able to own a business that runs without you is any entrepreneur’s dream. It will take you to another league of business owners and open exciting new opportunities.

The Stand Back course will change the way you perceive your business and the world that surrounds you. You will consider and advance your methods in business and learn how Standing Back from your business can help you and your company.

Your Instructor

Michael Krajewski
Michael Krajewski

In 2008 I used to work for an engineering company and I was very good at what I was doing.

Naturally, the next step for me was to start my own business.

As soon as I set it up, I started working crazy hours; it was just work, work and work.

I remember the times, when I simply hated waking up in the morning, struggled with depression and had to seek professional help as a result of running a company this way. And even though the business was bringing good money, I was simply exhausted and too depressed to enjoy my life, even though I could afford things I had always dreamt of.

– I am doing something seriously wrong here! – I thought to myself. I employed only a few employees, yet I worked like crazy and didn’t have any time for myself. At the same time, I admired other business owners and was wondering how on earth they managed to run companies that employ thousands of people?!

I discovered that the problems business owners like you and myself have, is that we’ve actually never been taught how to build a business and what our role at the business is – and this is why it was so easy to fall into the trap of becoming the centrepiece of the business. Then I discovered a book that changed my life and taught me to think differently about being an entrepreneur. It was the “E-myth” by Michael Gerber. I signed up to the “E-Myth Mastery Course” and over the next few years I managed to convert my company to E-myths teachings and started replacing myself with systems and procedures. This helped me to grow my business and gave it a great spin.

I am well aware that other entrepreneurs are struggling just like I did. I would like to help all the overwhelmed business owners to regain a work-life balance and let their businesses thrive. I have passionately prepared a course that teaches the business transformation process, which I call “Stand Back”.

Course Curriculum

  Stand Back Land
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Stand Back Town
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Videos summary
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Stand Back in action: 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Standing Back
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get started now!

Make the most out of the Stand Back course with live Q&A sessions with Michael Krajewski. Enquire today for bespoke pricing plac: [email protected]